Favourites With Jake Hayes

We Asked Deathwish Pro Jake Hayes To Answer Some Favourites Check Out What He Has To Say...

Jake And Murdy Tha Dawg. - Photo by: @Jeremyadams85 

Favourite Australian Animal?


Favourite Dustin Dollin Moment?

I watched him fakie bigspin flip the pit when I was a kid

Favourite King Of The Road Moment?

Drinking piss and eating dreadlocks

Favourite Beagle Moment?

When he showed me all of the Baker2G tapes. 

Favourite Australian Skater? 

Chime Ferguson

Favourite Movie?

The Warriors 

Favourite Song?

Y U smilin - Andre Nickatina 

Favourite Skater Ever?

Andrew Reynolds

Favourite Skate Video Ever?

Baker 2g

Favourite Video Part?

Reynolds Stay Gold

 Favourite Trick?

FS Flip

Favourite Member Of The Wu Tang Clan?

Method Man

Favourite Thing About USA Visits?

Going To Baker Boys

Favourite Food To Eat In USA?

I love a good American Diner 

Favourite Thing About Living In OZ?

Being around my friends and family 

Favourite Drink?

Caramel Milkshake

Favourite Time Of Day?

Evenings after a long day of skating

Favourite Chopper Quote?

Jimmy, if you keep stabbing me, you're going to kill me.

Favourite Instagram Account?


Favourite Deathwish Graphic?

I like Jon Dickson’s first pro board, the one with the roller skating girl on it. 

Favourite Item Of Clothing?

Dickies Carpenter pants

Favourite Shane Heyl Moment?

Hanging with him on the baker summer tour in 2015. He made me feel less nervous. 

Favourite Skateboard Graphic Ever?

Andrew Reynolds Birdhouse creeping hand, you know the one that’s like the goosebumps cover? 

Favourite Skate Trip So Far?

Baker summer tour 2015. Got to skate with all of my favourite skaters 
Favourite Skate Store (Say Slugger)?
Slugger LoL





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